Monday, July 23, 2007

Memories ...sigh

Yes I recall the café meeting well..........Me trying to look inconspicuous and you furtively looking over your shoulder in the belief that you were going to be abducted imminently and planted in the jungle somewhere. I guess it didn’t reassure you when I mentioned that I kept a spade and bag of lime (helps with the decomposition of the body J) in the trunk of my car. Of course this was just play but you were rather hoping your mummy would come and rescue you all the same…… I guess its possible to meet lots of peculiar characters in cafés – not just gas stations.

So how much of a kampong girl are you? What is it that they say “You can take the kampong girl out of the kampong but …………? True or not?
I was just talking to a friend of mine…… It seems that his wife’s daughter (from a previous liaison) is 7 months pregnant….. I guess that makes her a grandmother and by association him a step grandfather …… or as he will be known from now on …..Gramps. Unfortunately all this does for me is to highlight that my contemporaries are getting old and vis-à-vis so am I L. Did I really say I was gonna live forever…….probably

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