Monday, July 23, 2007

Psychopaths are in!!!

My partner in crime seems a little bit shy about publishing on the web... I am again... It's interesting how different men's and women's views are of stalkers. My male friends to whom I related last week's gas station incident to thought that I was waaayyy too polite and should have told the guy to p*** off. One even asked for the stalker's number so that he can run a background check on the guy (is this legal, by the way???). Anyway, what can a number tell you about the guy who owns the number??? The women to whom I related the exact same incident to actually thought it was romantic (I kid you not!). So, it seems like psychopaths are the in thing with women. In fact some of them thought that he sounds like a genuine person. Yup, the stalker got a thumbs up from the women --- go figure!!!

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